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Connecting Retool to a Locally Hosted Database

Connecting Retool to a locally hosted database involves a series of configurations and network setups. These setups ensure the efficient operation of Retool's cloud-based platform, enabling it to access and interact with your on-premises database. 

This process ensures that Retool can query, read, write, and manipulate the data stored within your local environment, allowing you to confidently leverage Retool's full capabilities for data analysis, application development, and business process automation, which are key to driving your organization's success.

In this article, you will learn how to connect Retool to a locally hosted database successfully.

Importance of Securely Setting Up Connectivity

Importance of Securely Setting Up Connectivity

1. Protecting Sensitive Data:

  • Importance: Encrypting and secure data transmissions between Retool and your local database prevents unauthorized access and protects sensitive information.

  • Implementation: Use secure protocols such as SSL/TLS to encrypt data in transit.

2. Maintaining Data Integrity:

  • Importance: Secure connectivity ensures that data is not tampered with during transmission, maintaining its integrity and accuracy.

  • Implementation: Implement measures such as VPNs and secure tunneling to protect data integrity.

3. Compliance with Regulations:

  • Importance: Many industries have regulations requiring secure data handling, especially when transmitting over the Internet.

  • Implementation: Implement robust security practices to ensure compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, and other relevant regulations.

4. Reducing Vulnerability to Attacks:

  • Importance: Properly securing the connection reduces the risk of cyberattacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks, SQL injection, and other exploits.

  • Implementation: Use firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits to protect the database.

5. Ensuring Reliable Connectivity:

  • Importance: Secure and reliable connectivity prevents service disruptions and ensures that your Retool applications can consistently access the database.

  • Implementation: Configure network settings to ensure a stable connection and implement failover mechanisms to handle potential connectivity issues.

Challenges of Using Locally-Hosted Databases with the Online Version of Retool

1. Network Accessibility:

  • Challenge: Locally-hosted databases are often behind firewalls or NATs, making them inaccessible over the internet.

  • Impact: Retool, an online platform, needs a way to securely access these databases, which can be complex to configure.

2. Security Concerns:

  • Challenge: Exposing a local database to the internet increases the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Impact: Sensitive data might be vulnerable if proper security measures are not implemented.

3. Latency Issues:

  • Challenge: Connecting to a local database over the internet can introduce latency, affecting the performance of Retool applications.

  • Impact: Users might experience slower response times when querying the database, leading to a less responsive application.

4. Configuration Complexity:

  • Challenge: Setting up a secure and reliable connection between Retool and a locally-hosted database requires proper configuration of network settings, firewalls, and possibly VPNs.

  • Impact: This process can be technically challenging and time-consuming, requiring specialized knowledge.

5. Data Synchronization:

  • Challenge: Ensuring data is consistently synchronized between the locally hosted database and Retool can be difficult, especially with intermittent connectivity issues.

  • Impact: Inconsistent data could lead to errors and unreliable application behavior.

Detailed Problem Description: Connecting Retool to a Locally Hosted Database

1. Commonly Faced Errors with Connection Attempts

Users may encounter several common errors when connecting Retool to a locally hosted database. Understanding these errors is crucial for diagnosing and resolving connection issues effectively.

Firewall and Network Issues:

  • Error: Connection Timeout

    • Cause: The firewall or network settings block incoming connections from Retool's IP addresses.

    • Solution: Adjust firewall settings to allow access from Retool's IP addresses and ensure the database port is open.

Authentication Failures:

  • Error: Authentication Failed

    • Cause: Incorrect username or password.

    • Solution: Verify that the credentials used in the connection string are correct and that the user has appropriate permissions.

SSL/TLS Issues:

  • Error: SSL Connection Required

    • Cause: The database requires SSL/TLS encryption, but the connection string does not include the necessary parameters.

    • Solution: Update the connection string to include SSL/TLS options.

Database Configuration Errors:

  • Error: Database Not Found

    • Cause: The specified database name is incorrect or does not exist.

    • Solution: Verify the database name and ensure it is correctly specified in the connection string.

Port Configuration Issues:

  • Error: Port Not Accessible

    • Cause: The database server is not listening on the specified port.

    • Solution: Confirm that the database server is configured to listen on the specified port and that no network issues block access.

2. Specific Error Codes and Their Meanings

Understanding specific error codes can help diagnose and resolve connection issues more efficiently.


  • Error Code 1045: Access denied for user

    • Meaning: Authentication failed due to incorrect username or password.

  • Error Code 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server

    • Meaning: Network issues or the MySQL server is not reachable on the specified host and port.


  • Error Code 28000: Invalid authorization specification

    • Meaning: Authentication failed due to incorrect credentials.

  • Error Code 08001: SQL client unable to establish SQL connection

    • Meaning: Network issues or the PostgreSQL server is unreachable.

3. Examples of Connection Strings for Different Databases

Properly formatted connection strings are essential for establishing a successful connection to your database. Below are examples of MySQL and PostgreSQL:

  • MySQL:




  • PostgreSQL:




By addressing these challenges, you can ensure a smooth and secure integration between Retool and your local database, enabling powerful data-driven applications.

Potential Solutions for Connecting Retool to a Locally Hosted Database

Retool to a Locally Hosted Database

1. SSH Tunneling

  • Setting up an SSH Server on the Local Machine:

    • Overview: Install and configure an SSH server on the local machine to accept connections.

    • Steps:

      • Install OpenSSH (or another SSH server) on your local machine.

      • Configure the SSH server to allow remote connections.

      • Ensure the SSH service runs and listens on the default port (22).

  • Configuring Retool to Use SSH Tunneling:

    • Overview: Set up Retool to use SSH tunneling to secure local database connections.

    • Steps:

      • In the Retool app, go to the Resources section.

      • Create a new resource and select the database type (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL).

      • Enable the SSH tunnel option and provide the necessary SSH details (hostname, port, username, private key).

  • Step-by-Step Process to Expose the SSH Server to the Internet:

    • Overview: Make your SSH server accessible from the internet to enable Retool to connect.

    • Steps:

      • Configure your router to forward port 22 to your local machine’s IP address.

      • Ensure your firewall allows incoming connections on port 22.

      • Use a dynamic DNS service if your local machine’s IP address changes frequently.

2. Using Ngrok

  • Overview of Ngrok and Its Utility:

    • Overview: Ngrok is a tool that creates secure tunnels to your local machine, making it accessible over the internet.

    • Benefits: Simplifies exposing local services to the internet without complex network configurations.

  • Steps to Set Up Ngrok for Tunneling a Local Database:

    • Steps:

      • Download and install Ngrok on your local machine.

      • Authenticate your Ngrok account.

      • Start a Ngrok tunnel to the database port (e.g., ngrok tcp 3306 for MySQL).

  • Configuration of Retool with Ngrok-Provided Host and Port:

    • Steps:

      • Note the host and port provided by Ngrok (e.g.,

      • In Retool, create a new database resource and use the Ngrok-provided host and port in the connection settings.

      • Enter your database credentials and test the connection.

3. Using Cloudflare Tunnels

  • Introduction to Cloudflare Tunnels:

    • Overview: Cloudflare Tunnels securely expose your local web server to the internet without opening any ports on your router.

    • Benefits: Provides a secure and scalable way to expose local services with minimal configuration.

  • Process to Set Up Cloudflare Tunnels for Local Database:

    • Steps:

      • Install Cloudflare’s cloudflared on your local machine.

      • Authenticate cloudflared with your Cloudflare account.

      • Create a tunnel and configure it to route traffic to your local database port.

  • Advantages of Using Cloudflare Tunnels for Development:

    • Benefits:

      • Enhanced security by not exposing your local machine’s IP address.

      • Automatic handling of dynamic IP addresses.

      • Easy setup and integration with Cloudflare’s other security features.

4. Whitelisting IP Addresses

  • Necessary Adjustments in Database Configurations to Whitelist IPs:

    • Steps:

      • Modify your database’s configuration file to allow connections from specific IP addresses.

      • For MySQL: Edit the my.cnf file to include allowed IPs.

      • For PostgreSQL: Edit the pg_hba.conf file to allow connections from specified IPs.

  • Guidelines for Finding and Whitelisting Retool's IP Addresses:

    • Steps:

      • Refer to Retool documentation for the list of IP addresses that need to be whitelisted.

      • Update your database’s firewall and security group settings to allow connections from these IP addresses.

  • Common Challenges and Solutions While Whitelisting:

    • Challenges:

      • Dynamic IP addresses: Use a range of IPs or update configurations regularly.

      • Firewall rules: Ensure that all firewalls (local and network-level) allow the whitelisted IPs.

    • Solutions:

      • Automate the updating of IP whitelists using scripts or cloud provider tools.

      • Double-check firewall and security group settings to ensure all required IPs are allowed.

You can also follow up on our comprehensive guide to building apps with Retool Embed. Toolpioneers will be happy to assist you in your application development journey with our expertise!

By implementing these potential solutions, you can securely and efficiently connect Retool to your locally hosted database. Whether using SSH tunneling, Ngrok, Cloudflare Tunnels, or IP whitelisting, each method provides unique advantages and addresses specific challenges, ensuring your data remains accessible and secure.

Configuration Steps for Specific Databases

1. MySQL

  • Example of a Connection String:

Format: mysql://username:password@host:port/database?options

Example: mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydatabase?sslmode=REQUIRED

  • Handling Common Error:


  • Cause: Network issues, firewall settings, or incorrect connection parameters.

  • Solution: Ensure the database is running, check network connectivity, and verify the connection string.

                        Example: SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'wait_timeout';


  • Cause: MySQL server is not running, or there is an incorrect port.

  • Solution: Start the MySQL server and ensure the correct port is specified in the connection string.

                   Example: sudo service mysql start

  • Using Different MySQL Plugins and Their Configurations:

  1. MySQL Native Password:

Configuration: ALTER USER 'user'@'host' IDENTIFIED WITH    mysql_native_password BY 'password';

  1. Caching SHA2 Password:

Configuration: ALTER USER 'user'@'host' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'password';

  1. SSL/TLS:

Configuration: mysql://user:password@localhost:3306/mydatabase?sslmode=REQUIRED

2. PostgreSQL

  • Example of a Connection String:

Format: postgresql://username:password@host:port/database?options

Example: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=require

  • Typical Errors Faced and Their Resolutions:

1. Invalid Authorization Specification (28000):

  • Cause: Incorrect username or password.

  • Solution: Verify credentials and update the connection string.

  • Example: postgresql://user:correct_password@localhost:5432/mydatabase

 2.  Connection Timeout (08001):

  • Cause: Network issues or PostgreSQL server not reachable.

  • Solution: Check network settings, ensure PostgreSQL is running, and verify the port.

  • Example: sudo service postgresql start

  • Important Parameters in the Connection String:

  1. sslmode:

  • Description: Determines whether to use SSL/TLS for the connection.

  • Options: disable, allow, prefer, require

  • Example: postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase?sslmode=require

2. connect_timeout:

  • Description: Specifies the timeout in seconds for connecting to the database.

  • Example:postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/mydatabase?connect_timeout=10

3. Other Databases

  • Connecting to REST and gRPC Resources:

1. REST:


  • Create a new resource in Retool.

  • Select "REST API" as the resource type.

  • Enter the base URL and configure authentication if necessary.

  • Example:

2. gRPC:


  • Create a new resource in Retool.

  • Select "gRPC" as the resource type.

  • Enter the server URL and configure method definitions.

  • Example: grpc://

3. General Steps for Setting Up Other Databases:

  • Step 1: Identify the database type and required drivers.

      Example: For Oracle, use the Oracle JDBC driver.

  • Step 2: Configure the database server and ensure it is accessible.

  • Step 3: Create a connection string tailored to the database.

                    Example (Oracle): jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:service_name

  • Step 4: Test the connection using a local client before configuring in Retool.

  • Step 5: Create a new resource in Retool and enter the connection details.

Configuring Retool to connect to various databases involves understanding specific connection strings, handling common errors, and setting up the necessary plugins and parameters. 

Whether you are using MySQL, PostgreSQL, or other databases, following these steps ensures a smooth and efficient connection process, allowing you to leverage the full power of Retool with your data.

Advanced Setup Considerations

1. Automating the Connection Setup to Avoid Repetitive Configurations

Automating the connection setup helps to streamline the process of connecting Retool to databases, reducing manual configuration and ensuring consistency across environments.


  • Using Environment Variables:

  •  Description: Store connection details in environment variables to avoid hardcoding them in the configuration files.

  • Implementation:

    • Define environment variables for database credentials and connection strings.

    • Reference these variables in your Retool configuration.

export MYSQL_HOST=localhost

export MYSQL_USER=user

export MYSQL_PASSWORD=password

export MYSQL_DATABASE=mydatabase

  • Configuration Management Tools:

  • Description: Use tools like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet to manage and automate the deployment of Retool configurations.

  • Implementation:

    • Create playbooks or recipes to define Retool resource configurations.

    • Deploy these configurations across multiple environments using the chosen tool.

  • Scripting:

  • Description: Use scripts to automate the creation and updating of Retool resources.

  • Implementation:

    • Write shell or Python scripts that interact with the Retool API to create and update resource configurations.

import requests

def create_retool_resource():

    headers = {

        "Content-Type": "application/json",

        "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN"


    payload = {

        "name": "MySQL Resource",

        "type": "mysql",

        "data": {

            "host": os.getenv('MYSQL_HOST'),

            "user": os.getenv('MYSQL_USER'),

            "password": os.getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'),

            "database": os.getenv('MYSQL_DATABASE'),



    response =, headers=headers, json=payload)



2. Storing and Managing Resource Connection Options in Retool's Underlying Postgres Database

Storing and managing resource connection options directly in Retool's underlying Postgres database provides centralized management and enhances security and scalability.


  • Direct Database Configuration:

  • Description: Modify Retool’s Postgres database to store connection configurations.

  • Implementation:

    • Access Retool's Postgres database and locate the table that stores resource configurations.

    • Insert or update the configuration details in this table.

INSERT INTO retool_resources (name, type, data) VALUES (

    'MySQL Resource',


    '{"host": "localhost", "user": "user", "password": "password", "database": "mydatabase"}'


  • Environment Variable Management:

  • Description: Use environment variables to manage connection details securely.

  • Implementation:

    • Store sensitive information such as passwords and API keys in environment variables.

    • Reference these variables in Retool’s configuration to avoid hardcoding sensitive data.

  • Centralized Configuration Management:

  • Description: Use a centralized configuration management system to maintain consistency and ease of management.

  • Implementation:

    • Implement a configuration service (e.g., HashiCorp Consul or AWS Parameter Store) to manage and retrieve configuration details.

    • Integrate this service with Retool to dynamically load configuration options.

3. Using Docker Compose to Streamline the Development Environment

Docker Compose helps to streamline the development environment by defining and running multi-container Docker applications, ensuring that all necessary services are up and running with a single command.


  • Creating a Docker Compose File:

  • Description: Define a docker-compose.yml file to configure and run Retool along with any required services.

  • Implementation:

    • Create a docker-compose.yml file that includes configurations for Retool, databases, and other dependencies.

  • Running Docker Compose:

  • Description: Use Docker Compose commands to manage the environment.

  • Implementation:

  • Start the services with Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d

  • Stop the services:

docker-compose down

  • Check the status of the services:

docker-compose ps

These practices help streamline development workflows, ensure consistency across environments, and reduce the manual effort involved in configuration management.

Tips and Best Practices for Maintaining Secure and Efficient Connections

  1. Use SSL/TLS Encryption: Always use SSL/TLS encryption to protect data during transmission.

  2. Implement Strong Authentication: Use unique passwords and advanced authentication methods like PostgreSQL's SCRAM-SHA-256 or MySQL's caching_sha2_password.

  3. Regular Updates and Patching: Regularly update and patch your systems, scheduling maintenance windows as needed to keep them secure.

  4. Connection Pooling: Use connection pooling to reuse database connections and reduce overhead.

  5. Optimize SQL Queries: Optimize your SQL queries by using indexes, avoiding SELECT *, and refining query logic.

  6. Monitor and Profile Queries: Regularly monitor and profile queries to identify and address performance bottlenecks.

  7. Secure Configuration Management: Store sensitive information in environment variables and use centralized configuration management tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.

  8. Regular Backups: Perform regular backups to prevent data loss.

  9. Audit Logs: Review audit logs regularly to monitor database activities and detect any anomalies.

  10. Performance Tuning: Consistently perform performance tuning tasks such as indexing, vacuuming, and reindexing to ensure smooth operation.

By following the guidance provided in the above sections, you can establish a successful connection to a locally hosted database for your projects. 

For further information or guidance on using Retool, partner with Toolpioneers, a leading custom application development platform. We promise you the best service and care for developing and post-deployment your business application development.

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