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Increasing and Extending Query Timeout in Retool

This comprehensive guide will provide strategies to manage query timeouts in Retool effectively, ensuring your applications can handle extended data processing tasks without disruption, a need that is underscored by the potential for interruption.

Let us start by understanding the default timeout settings under retool query timeout from the following section.

Understanding Default Timeout Settings

Understanding Default Timeout Settings

1. Cloud Version

  • Description: The cloud version of Retool enforces a maximum query timeout of 120 seconds.

  • Limitation: This timeout cannot be raised and applies to all queries, regardless of complexity or duration.

  • Impact: Users running long-running queries might face interruptions if their queries exceed this time limit.

2. Self-Hosted Version

  • Description: The self-hosted version of Retool provides more flexibility in managing timeout settings.

  • Modification: Administrators can modify timeout settings through environment variables to accommodate longer-running queries.

  • Customization: This allows for tailoring the query timeout better to fit the specific application's needs and user requirements.

3. Factors Affecting Timeout

  • Load Balancers: Network devices that distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers can introduce delays or impose their timeout limits.

  • VPCs (Virtual Private Clouds): Network configurations and policies within a VPC can affect the duration of queries, potentially adding overhead that contributes to timeouts.

  • Firewalls: Security measures that control incoming and outgoing network traffic can impact query execution time by adding latency or additional processing steps.

Understanding these factors is crucial for effectively managing and extending query timeouts in Retool, ensuring your applications remain responsive and reliable even during intensive data operations.

Now, let us move on to the methods for effectively managing long queries which take more time to process and complete without getting affected by retool query timeout.

Managing Long-Running Queries

1. Issues with Default Timeout

  • Challenge: Long-running queries often require more than 120 seconds to complete, but Retool’s default timeout setting can interrupt these operations.

  • Impact:

  • Disruption: Users might experience incomplete results if queries are terminated prematurely.

  • Navigation: Navigating away from the page or app crashes can further disrupt ongoing queries and lead to loss of progress.

2. Workaround Limitations

  • Cloud Version Constraints: The cloud version of Retool does not allow you to directly extend the timeout beyond 120 seconds.

  • Multi-Tenant Environment:

  • Impact: Longer timeouts can affect the performance and reliability of other users in a multi-tenant setup.

  • Fair Use: The default timeout helps maintain a balance and ensures fair resource usage among all tenants.

Modifying Timeout in Self-Hosted Environments

In a self-hosted Retool environment, you can manage long-running queries by adjusting the DBCONNECTOR_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS environment variable to the desired timeout duration in milliseconds. 

Additionally, verify and adjust timeout settings on load balancers, firewalls, and any service-specific configurations to ensure they align with your new timeout settings. 

1. Environment Variable Setting

An environment variable can adjust the query timeout setting in a self-hosted Retool environment to manage long-running queries.


  • Purpose: It specifies the maximum query timeout duration in milliseconds.

  • Implementation:

  • Set this environment variable to the desired timeout value in your environment configuration file or deployment settings.

  • Example: To set the timeout to 5 minutes (300,000 milliseconds):

                       export DBCONNECTOR_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS=300000

2. Investigating Settings

Adjusting the environment variable is a critical step, but other factors in your infrastructure can also impact query duration. Ensure these are properly configured to avoid unintended timeouts.

Load Balancers:

  • Configuration: Verify the timeout settings on any load balancers that distribute traffic to your Retool instances.

  • Steps:

  • Access the load balancer’s management console or configuration files.

  • Check and adjust the timeout settings to match or exceed the value set in DBCONNECTOR_QUERY_TIMEOUT_MS.

  • Example (AWS ELB):

aws elb modify-load-balancer-attributes --load-balancer-name my-load-balancer --load-balancer-attributes "{\"ConnectionSettings\":{\"IdleTimeout\":300}}"


  • Configuration: Ensure firewall settings do not impose shorter timeout limits on connections.

  • Steps:

  • Access your firewall settings through the management interface.

  • Check for any session timeout settings and adjust them if necessary.

Service-Specific Timeout Settings:

  • Description: Some database services or intermediate proxies may have their own timeout settings that need adjustment.

  • Steps:

  • Review the documentation for your database service to identify relevant timeout settings.

  • Modify these settings to align with your desired query timeout.

  • Example: 

SET statement_timeout = 300000;  -- Set timeout to 5 minutes

These steps will help ensure that long-running queries can be completed without premature termination, providing a more robust and reliable user experience. 

You can also learn more about how to build your apps with Retool embed. For additional guidance, get in touch with Toolpioneers and we will be happy to assist you!

Let us imagine a situation where you are working on an important project and suddenly face an unexpected timeout! It's quite a hassle, right? Don’t worry; there are ways in which you can handle them efficiently to face the retool query timeout, and the following section will guide you through it.

Dealing with Unexpected Timeouts: Illustrating concepts through SQL query examples

retool query timeout

1. Initial Observations

When dealing with unexpected timeouts, it’s important to distinguish whether the issues are specific to Retool or occur with other SQL management tools.

  • Compare Environments: Run the same queries in Retool and other SQL management tools (e.g., pgAdmin, MySQL Workbench).

  • Observation: If the queries run successfully in other tools but timeout in Retool, the issue is likely within Retool’s configuration or network environment.

2. Investigation Steps

To identify and troubleshoot the cause of unexpected timeouts, perform the following tests:

Simple Query Tests:

  • Purpose: Establish a baseline by running simple queries to ensure basic connectivity and performance.

  • Examples:

  • For MySQL: SELECT 1;

  • For PostgreSQL: SELECT 1;

Complex Query Tests:

  • Purpose: Gradually increase the complexity of queries to identify specific conditions that trigger timeouts.

3. Potential Issues

Certain aspects of query structure and specific SQL clauses can significantly impact performance and cause unexpected timeouts.

Query Structure:

  • Joins: Complex joins between large tables can lead to performance issues

  • Example:

SELECT a.*, b.* FROM table_a a JOIN table_b b ON = b.a_id;

  • Solution: Optimize indexes and use appropriate join strategies.

SQL Clauses:

  • SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT: This clause can cause inefficiencies in some databases, as it may lead to unnecessary full-table scans.

  • Example: 

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT * FROM large_table ORDER BY some_column;

  • Solution: Remove the clause if unnecessary or use alternative pagination techniques.

Indexes and Execution Plans:

  • Indexes: Lack of proper indexing can cause slow query performance.

  • Solution: Ensure that columns used in WHERE clauses and joins are properly indexed.

  • Execution Plans: Analyze query execution plans to identify bottlenecks.

  • Example (PostgreSQL):

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE some_column = 'some_value';

Locking and Transactions:

  • Locks: Long-running transactions can cause lock contention, leading to timeouts.

  • Solution: Review and optimize transaction management to minimize lock duration.

  • Example:


UPDATE large_table SET some_column = 'new_value' WHERE condition;


By systematically investigating and addressing these factors, you can mitigate unexpected timeouts and ensure smoother query execution in Retool. The following section will cover specific measures to improve our query performance and get better results.

Specific Measures to Improve Query Execution

1. Analysis of Query Structure

Removing Problematic SQL Clauses:

  • Problematic Clauses: Certain SQL clauses can significantly degrade performance. Examples include SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT and overly complex joins.

  • Action:

  • Simplify Queries: Remove or replace inefficient clauses.

  • Optimize Joins: Ensure that joins are necessary and indexed columns are used.

  • Example: 

-- Problematic Query

SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT * FROM large_table ORDER BY some_column;

-- Improved Query

SELECT * FROM large_table ORDER BY some_column;

Optimizing WHERE Clauses:

  • Usage: Ensure WHERE clauses use indexed columns.

  • Example

-- Inefficient Query

SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE LOWER(some_column) = 'value';

-- Efficient Query

SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE some_column = 'value';

2. Database Performance Insights

Utilize Tools to Analyze Performance Metrics:

  • Tools: Use database-specific tools and commands to gather performance insights.



  • Action:

  • Analyze Execution Plans: Identify and address bottlenecks by reviewing execution plans.

  • Monitor Performance Metrics: Use monitoring tools to monitor key metrics such as query execution time, CPU usage, and memory utilization.

  • Example:

-- PostgreSQL Execution Plan Analysis

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_table WHERE some_column = 'value';

Regular Monitoring:

  • Tools: Utilize tools like pgAdmin, MySQL Workbench, or third-party solutions (e.g., Datadog, New Relic) to monitor database performance.

  • Metrics to Monitor: Look for slow queries, high CPU/memory usage, and lock contention.

3. Adjusting Database Resources

Increase DTU (Database Transaction Unit) Spending:

  • Context: For managed database services (e.g., Azure SQL Database), increasing DTUs can provide more CPU, memory, and I/O resources to improve performance.

  • Action:

  • Evaluate Resource Usage: Check current DTU consumption and identify if the database is under-provisioned.

  • Scale Up Resources: Increase DTUs or move to a higher performance tier to allocate more resources.

  • Example (Azure SQL Database):

# Increase DTUs for an Azure SQL Database

az sql db update --resource-group myResourceGroup --server myServer --name myDatabase --service-objective S2

Hardware and Instance Scaling:

  • Vertical Scaling: Increase the size of the database instance (more CPU, RAM).

  • Example:

# AWS RDS: Modify instance type

aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier mydbinstance --db-instance-class db.m4.large

  • Horizontal Scaling: Add more instances or use read replicas to distribute the load

  • Example:

  # AWS RDS: Create a read replica

aws rds create-db-instance-read-replica --db-instance-identifier myreadreplica --source-db-instance-identifier mydbinstance

Identifying and Resolving Unique Query Timeout Issues

1. User Reported Challenges

  • Issue: Users report that queries run quickly and successfully on their local machines but timeout when executed through Retool.

  • Observation: This discrepancy suggests that the issue may be related to the Retool environment or network configuration rather than the query itself.

2. Development Team Actions

Incident Investigations:

  • Steps:

  • Reproduce the Issue: Attempt to replicate the timeout issue within the Retool environment to understand its context.

  • Collect Logs: Gather logs and performance metrics from the local environment and Retool to identify discrepancies.

  • Trace Execution: Use tracing tools to monitor the execution flow and identify where the delays or timeouts occur.


  • Purpose: Temporarily revert to a previous stable version of the application or query configuration to mitigate the impact of the timeout issue.

  • Steps:

  • Identify Changes: Determine recent changes in the Retool environment or database configuration that might have introduced the issue.

  • Revert Changes: Rollback those changes to restore the previous stable state.

  • Monitor Impact: Observe the system's performance after the rollback to ensure the issue is resolved.

Temporary Fixes:

  • Approach:

  • Increase Timeouts: Temporarily adjust the query timeout settings for longer execution times.

  • Simplify Queries: Simplify the problematic queries to reduce execution time and avoid timeouts.

  • Load Balancing: Distribute the query load across multiple instances or replicas to alleviate performance bottlenecks.

3. Potential Solutions

IT-Related IP Issues:

  • Description: Network-related issues such as IP restrictions, firewall rules, or routing problems could cause timeouts in Retool.

  • Solution:

  • Whitelist IPs: Ensure that Retool's IP addresses are whitelisted in the database's firewall and security settings.

  • Network Configuration: Verify that no network bottlenecks or misconfigurations affect Retool's database access.

Version-Specific Fixes:

  • Description: The issue may be related to specific versions of Retool, the database, or dependencies.

  • Solution:

  • Check for Updates: Ensure Retool and the database run the latest stable versions.

  • Compatibility Issues: Look for known issues or bugs related to the specific versions in use and apply relevant patches or updates.

Caching as a Workaround:

  • Description: Implementing caching can reduce the load on the database and decrease query execution time.

  • Solution:

  • Cache Results: Cache the results of frequently executed queries to avoid redundant database access.

  • Use CDN: Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to cache and serve data quickly for read-heavy applications.

By following these steps, you can effectively identify and resolve query timeout issues, ensuring a smoother and more reliable experience in Retool.


Increasing and extending query timeouts in Retool is essential for handling long-running queries and ensuring uninterrupted data operations. Understanding the default timeout settings and how to manage them is crucial for maintaining application performance.

Toolpioneers can help you configure your Retool environment to handle extended data processing tasks efficiently. Our expertise ensures your applications remain responsive and reliable, even with complex queries.

Ready to optimize your Retool query settings? Contact Toolpioneers today for expert guidance and comprehensive support.

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